summer 2014

It appears that blogging has become an annual type of thing for me. It's been a helluva year, and I'm not even sure where to begin. Last time I checked in, I was moving out to Maryland for my first job out of college. Since then, I have moved three times to three different cities, and somehow ended up back in Milwaukee. In a nutshell, I quit my job. Just wasn't for me. I had passions elsewhere, and now I'm getting ready to follow them! Unfortunately, my interviews have all been just off, and I really can't afford to have another short-term job experience. This one's got to be a keeper. And ain't committment a bitch?

But to keep up with things, here's a review of my summer:

1. Quit my first job
2. Road trip: Washington DC, Niagara Falls/Canada, Michigan, Milwaukee
3. True Life: HGTV; how to live in the smallest apartment ever
4. the QUEST for perfection & how I rejected five job offers
5. sanity restoration through volunteer work: VA, Habitat, Vulture Space
6. David and Goliath
7. experienced my first Wisconsin summer that was under 90 degrees

it's been a nice summer, kind of. even without the whole disposable income thing, I got money in the bank for now. it's not fun being unemployed, but I'm certainly getting involved with some things I've always wanted to do. I'm almost overloading myself, but it's just mentally degrading to sit at home and wait for the phone to ring or a recruiting email to pop up.

hey milwaukee, engineer for hire, pronto.

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