2013 New Year's Resolutions

1. Take better care of self (cliche, I know)
2. Be better at card games (particularly trump-based games).
3. Play more piano and ukulele.
4. Read more (and potentially buy a Kindle when you receive nice paychecks)
5. Learn how to cook real meals (and blog about them to show off resulting finesse)
6. Start a blog to document life occurrences. 
7. No more dirty apartment- Clean as you go! 
8. Get crafty with DIY projects (mostly because my bank account won't be seeing much love anytime soon)
9. Make yourself a better swimmer to prepare for future zombie apocalypse or alien invasion.
10. Talk to the familia more. 
11. Work hard, but don't forget to play hard.
12. Become more movie educated so that people will stop gawking at your lack of civilization.
13. Take a chance. You never know when you'll get another one.

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