lent 2013: proactivity

I am not a Catholic in any capacity (obviously since this post is well after Ash Wednesday), but going to a Catholic school has predisposed me to become interested in the Lenten season. It fascinates me because it's the perfect excuse to change myself without having people judge me too hardcore. I have multiple friends who give up sweets, one friend who is going full out vegan, and various friends who are giving up Facebook, Twitter, etc. However, the flaw with these types of surrenders is that once Easter rolls around, the sweets, the social media, the "sins" that everyone is giving up for 40 days just come right back into their lives. So really it's just a diet from your addictions. 

I refuse to diet though. I want to see results that last, and I've been quite successful in the past. I've given up Facebook, Youtube, and meat. Although these things still pop up in my life occasionally, they are things I have full willpower over and say no to when necessary, rather than giving in with the sad thought, "This would be impossible to never have." I am my own person and I have full control over my choices. 

Inspired by one of my friends, I've decided to do Lent a little differently this year. Rather than giving up something I already have, my friend encouraged me to give more of something, essentially improve upon something I already have. So I am willing (in my second semester senior mindset) to give more of myself towards proactivity. 

What does this mean? It means taking the extra walk around the block to recycle rather than throwing everything in the trash dumpster. It means staying in to work hard now and play harder later. It means spending a little extra time on the bus rather than driving and spending gas money. It means biting my tongue to my parents when I know I can resolve something without being snippy. It means sending the first email out to get people together and working rather than waiting for someone else to make the first move. It means taking that leap of faith towards something you truly believe in, even though it terrifies you. It means standing on my own two feet without giving a damn what others think. 

So here is to proactivity, my Lenten offering for 2013. 

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